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What’s a Career Like in Social Media? The pros and cons

It's no lie that social media has changed the world. With an estimated 4.48 billion people worldwide with an account, social media has become an influential force shaping the way we communicate, work and perceive the world. As a result, a career in this sector offers vast opportunities. Below, we explain more.

What’s a Career Like in Social Media? The pros and cons


Tech Talent Engine


Social media has transformed the way that we connect, communicate, and consume information. With more than 4.59 billion people using social media worldwide, chances are, that most of your close circle have an account on a social media platform.

Not only has it changed the way we interact, but also the way businesses and individuals approach marketing, networking, and brand building.

Although it has become a large aspect of our lives, there remains ambiguity about what a career in social media entails and how much social media managers get paid.

Social media evolution

The term “social media” was coined just a little over a decade ago, but the landscape has evolved rapidly. Today, it covers a wide range of platforms and opportunities, each presenting its unique characteristics and audience.

As a result, social media careers have become increasingly more popular, offering a variety of roles for those who are interested in this field. Before you get a job in this sector, you might be wondering what a social media job is like and if it’s worth it.

Below, we’ll explain more about the pros and cons of working as a social media manager.

Pros of working in social media

1. Creativity

One advantage of working in social media is the creative freedom it offers.

Working in social media means you get to brainstorm and execute innovative content, from eye-catching visuals to engaging captions. If you’re passionate about storytelling and design, social media provides a platform to showcase your talents.

Natasha Bowers, Marketing Executive at Sunderland Software City, loves being able to have fun with the social media accounts she handles.

I love working in digital marketing. Every day allows me to be creative in different ways. It offers endless opportunities for me to grow and develop my skill set.

2. Diversity of work

Social media professionals are in demand across all industries, meaning you can find a niche quickly.

This diversity of options means that you can choose a sector that aligns with your personal interests and career goals, resulting in a higher chance of job satisfaction.

Once you’ve found a sector you enjoy, you can quickly progress within this sector, networking with the community and gaining all-round knowledge.

3. Data-driven insights

Working in social media has two sides – creativity and analytics. Usually, social media managers will spend 80% on creative and 20% on analytics.

This includes identifying specific metrics that align with your goals, including likes, shares, comments, click-through rate, follower growth and conversion rates.

Being able to measure the impact of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions can be very rewarding, allowing you to continually learn and adapt your strategies for better results.

4. Networking opportunities

Digital communications is a fast-moving sector, meaning you’ll be able to access a supportive community of social media managers and content marketing experts.

The networking opportunities are endless and you’ll be in constant contact with a variety of people, from influencers and industry leaders to your team.

This can help you build a vast network, which is essential in today’s professional network. If you’re someone who wants to progress, these connections can open doors to many exciting opportunities.

5. Flexibility

Many social media roles offer flexible working arrangements. This plays a pivotal role in promoting a healthier work-life balance and reducing the stress associated with more traditional, rigid work schedules.

This ability to work remotely or have flexible hours allows social media professionals to harmonise their personal and professional lives more effectively.

As a result, you can better allocate time to family, hobbies, and personal pursuits, all while fulfilling a career in the social media industry.

Cons of working in social media

1. Constant pressure

Unfortunately, the world of social media never sleeps. To work in this sector, you’ll need to be constantly vigilant, monitoring accounts and addressing issues even outside of traditional working hours.

The constant pressure to keep up with trends and competitors can lead to high stress levels.

Similarly, social media managers also relate to the feeling of never being able to fully switch off and often need to restrict social media usage outside of their job.

2. Burnout

Social media managers are often susceptible to burnout due to the unique challenges and demands of their roles. While the field can be exciting and rewarding, it also comes with specific stressors that can contribute to burnout.

For example, social media trends and algorithms change rapidly. Staying up to date and adapting strategies to match the latest trends can create a constant sense of urgency.

Additionally, performance metrics are closely monitored and the pressure to meet or exceed KPIs can be intense.

3. Negative feedback

Engaging with the public on social media can expose you to criticism and negative feedback. Dealing with online trolls and managing reputation can be challenging and it requires a thick skin.

When customers have concerns, they often turn to social media to voice their grievances making it a primary channel for negative feedback.

Unfortunately, social media is a public space. This means that complaints or criticism can be seen by a wide audience. Despite this, negative feedback can provide valuable insights into areas that may need improvement.

4. Privacy concerns

Social media professionals often need to strike a balance between their personal and professional online presence. Sometimes, your work may infringe on your privacy, as you become a public figure in your own right.

It is often encouraged to build and maintain a personal brand, which can lead to a blurring of the lines between their personal and professional lives. This might involve sharing personal experiences, opinions or interests that can be challenging to separate from their work.

It’s important to work with your organisations to address clear guidelines and support regarding personal privacy.

5. Rapid technological changes

Social media platforms and tools are constantly evolving. Staying up to date with the latest trends and technologies can be time-consuming and require ongoing learning, which might not be suitable for everyone.

Although it is great for ongoing learning, it can be time-consuming having to stay up to date.

Naturally, there is always going to be someone who knows more than you, so imposter syndrome is common.

Looking for a job in social media?

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Work in social media

Working in social media is a dynamic and fast-moving sector, making it an attractive choice for those who are passionate about digital communication.

To thrive in this sector, a social media manager must display resilience, adaptability, and a strong commitment to managing the constant changes in the digital landscape.

If you’re looking for a job in social media, whether entry-level or intermediate, Talent Engine is here to help you find the right job for you.

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